Be better Improving performance is important to anyone - individuals, firms, and organizations. No matter how good you are, you can always be better. The best strive not only to beat the competition, but also to improve their own performance.
Interactive Benchmarking IB® is an interactive computer program that organizes and analyzes data with the objective of improving performance. It combines state-of-the-art benchmarking theory, decision support methods and computer software to identify appropriate role models and useful performance standards. It hereby supports individual evaluations as well as sector analyses, and it provides a learning lab for anyone interested to understand the business in question.

Interactive Benchmarking IB® is intended for firms and organizations that are responsible for or have data on similar projects, persons, branches, firms or organizations. Examples are chain stores with multiple outlets, banks with several branches, firms with several sales agents, professional organizations with member statistics, governments with several schools, hospitals etc; | | State-of-the-art methods
Best practice models
Frontier methods
DEA, SFA, Econometrics
Partial and full models
Multiple inputs
Multiple outputs
Multiple context var
Free search direction
No prices required
No priorities required
Flexible usage
Individual benchmarking
Sector analyses
Learning lab
Merger analyses
Competitor analyses
User friendly
Pedagogical front-end
Fast calculations
Advanced graphic
Automated reporting
Windows or Web based